Saturday, January 15, 2011

Facebook Folly?

What's on your mind? That is the question on facebook. After one enters a "status", others may comment at will. A relative was "speaking her mind" regarding healthcare. Innocently, I offered advice and then offered to help. I received no response. Several days later, she stated a complaint about her work, and I wrote what was "on my mind." Later that day, I received a lengthy text telling me that if I wanted to "call her out" I should have done it face to face. She mentioned that I was judging her. I was then removed by her as her fb friend. Quite simply but politely, I text her that I am not responsible for her perceptions nor her feelings surrounding those perceptions.

Anytime that we speak our mind, we make ourselves vulnerable to comments from others. We must be ready for the consequences of our actions. Opinions are like assholes--everybody has one. I own my opinions and will continue to share them. If you want to share in my world, then be prepared to hear them. You don't have to agree with me all of the time. That would be quite boring. I just love the exchange of ideas.

"I think, therefore I am."

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