Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays My Friends

Tis the season...for all of the completely psycho people to get behind the wheel of a vehicle and pretend to know how to drive. I have a few questions that really need answered. First of all, since when does turning on your turn signal gine you permission to chane lanes without regard to other vehicles on the road? Secondly, why do the big rigs insist on attempting to pass each other without actually increasing speed (thus, both lanes are driving 55 mph)? Next, do people honestly decide at that split second when they reach the exit that the exit is the one they need? Last of all, does anybody out there know how to turn off my shield that makes my car invisible? WOW!! It is no wonder some people NEVER leave their house. If you must go out, be careful. It isn't the condition of the roads, but it is the condition of the fellow drivers to be concerned about.

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